Study in Ireland

Ireland is one of the most popular study abroad destinations in Europe. Its universities offer first-rate education in a traditional, yet modern setting. Thousands of study programmes at over two dozen schools attract international students from around the world.

Located in the north-western fringes of Europe, Ireland’s history is long and complicated. The first great tribes to establish themselves on this island were known as the Celts. The customs, myths, and languages of these peoples are still very important to modern day Irish citizens. While Irish Gaelic is still an official language and adorns, with English, every street and other official sign in public, it is spoken only by a minority, as everyone in Ireland today communicates in English.

During the Middle Ages, Ireland was a haven for Christian monks and scholars. St. Patrick, originally brought to Ireland as a young slave, famously converted the “Emerald Isle” to Christianity in the fifth century, and well over 70% of all Irish people identify as Roman Catholics today. On the supposed date of his death, the Irish celebrate their national holiday, St. Patrick’s Day, in Ireland and around the world.

Capital :     Dublin
Currency :     EUR
Population :     4,589,000
Listed universities :     20
Study programmes :     2,764
Ranked universities :     11-20
Languages :     Irish.
Call code :     +353
Time Zone :     Greenwich Mean Time (UTC)